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Merlin And The War Of The Dragon Empire

Title: Merlin And The War Of The Dragon Empire (15)

Year: 2008

Running Time: 92 minutes

Director: Mark Atkins

Cast: Simon Lloyd-Roberts (Merlin), Joseph Stacey (Vendiger), Dylan Jones (Uther) Notes: Also known as Merlin And The War Of The Dragons

Rating: 8

Thoughts:   The acting is certainly better than a lot of similarly produced films and the main roles are generally well delivered.

All of the staging looks good with some nice sets, and authentic looking costumes.

However, as is often the case, attempts at large scale battles are laughable with a handful of actors trying to give the impression of something more. It doesn't work.

The dragons aren't the worst and overall this is a decent enough story that pushes along and doesn't have too many flaws. It's one of the better ones for such a low budget and is at least believable, in a fantasy sort of way.

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