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Mythica The Godslayer

Title: Mythica The Godslayer (12)

Year: 2016

Running Time: 113 minutes

Director: John Lyde

Cast: Melanie Stone (Marek), Adam Johnson (Thane), Jake Stormoen (Dagen), Nicola Posener (Teela), Matthew Mercer (Szorlok)

Notes: Ending how they started with unexpected "names", Kristian Nairn (Hodor GOT) appears as a hammer-wielding God. This is also known as Mythica The Dragon Slayer. Rating: 9

Thoughts:   The series comes to a conclusion.

The zombie army of Szorlok is ravaging the land as Marek and her group head to the final confrontation.

This feels so much tighter than the rest of the films, a real step forward in every department. They cut out the side stories and keep it all focused on the conclusion of the main story arc of the series.

Almost everything is excellent. Of course there is a but.

With Kevin Sorbo having a short part in each film, they decided to chuck in another "big" name, with Kristian Nairn playing a God. He was of course Hodor in Game Of Thrones, and it shows why he just had that one line as his delivery is awkward.

I really liked the full sight of Szorlok, a character that probably should have had more to do in the earlier films. His portrayal by Mercer is excellent.

Any faults in the previous four are easily forgiven as the finale is excellent. Now the classic quest group is broken up and we start to see inner conflict.

The lead character wrestles with all sorts of problems and whilst the ending is a little obvious from a way out, it still works. For fantasy, it starts getting believable!

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